In Pakistan, where Muslims make up the bulk of the population, drinking alcohol is illegal. Alcohol use is common among a sizable portion of non-Muslims. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported in 2018 that Pakistan’s per capita alcohol consumption was 0.1 liters per year, which is extremely low when compared to other nations.

Drug abuse is a major issue in Pakistan, particularly among young people. The most frequently abused substances in Pakistan are cannabis, heroin, and prescription drugs, including opioids. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Pakistan is a significant transit country for Afghan drug trafficking to other nations, and local drug production is becoming a larger issue.

There are a couple of elements that add to unlawful medication use in Pakistan, including dejection, joblessness, political wobbliness, and basic permission to drugs. The issue actually exists, notwithstanding the public authority’s endeavors to address it through the foundation of recovery offices and government-funded schooling efforts.

Factors that Contribute to Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Prohibition of alcohol: In Pakistan, an Islamic republic, Muslims are strictly forbidden by Islamic law from selling or drinking alcohol. Non-Muslims are allowed to buy alcohol from licensed establishments, but they need a permit from the government. However, bootlegging and illegal alcohol sales have been reported in the nation.

Drug dependence: The majority of Pakistan’s 7.6 million drug users, according to the Ministry of Narcotics Control, are young people. Hashish, opium, and synthetic drugs like amphetamines are the most commonly used drugs in Pakistan. Heroin comes in second place. Drug addiction is a major public health issue, so the government has been working to improve drug treatment and rehabilitation services.

Trafficking in drugs: Pakistan is a significant travel point for heroin and opium carrying to different countries and is at the intersection of significant medication dealing courses among Afghanistan and Iran. Two of the measures the government has taken to combat drug trafficking are increasing border security and working with international organizations like the UN Office on Drugs and Crime.

Anti-drug initiatives: The Pakistani government has launched a number of anti-drug campaigns to raise awareness of the dangers of drug abuse and encourage drug treatment and prevention. For example, the Service of Opiates Control has sent off the “Express No to Medications” public mission to illuminate youngsters about the adverse consequences of medications and urge them to go without utilizing drugs.

Centers for rehabilitation: In Pakistan, various medication treatment and restoration offices are controlled by the public authority and non-legislative associations. These centers give an extent of organizations, including detoxification, coordinating, and proficient readiness, to help with quieting monsters to recover and reintegrate into society.

The Impact of Drug Abuse on Mental Health in Pakistan

In Pakistan, substance abuse can have severe and lasting effects on mental health. Addiction to drugs may have the following potential effects on mental health:

Anxiety and depression are more likely: According to research, drug addiction is associated with an increased risk of anxiety and depression disorders. Drug abuse can alter brain chemistry, which can affect mood and behavior.

Psychotic disorders are at risk: Maltreatment of medications can make it more probable that you will get insane issues like schizophrenia. Psychotic disorders, which are characterized by a loss of touch with reality, can be caused or exacerbated by drug abuse.

Impairment in thinking: Addiction can lead to cognitive impairment, including issues with attention, memory, and decision-making. These effects may persist even after a person stops using drugs.

Suicide possibility is raised: Addiction to drugs is a major risk factor for suicide in Pakistan. Drug abuse can lead to suicidal thoughts and actions, which can make people feel hopeless and hopeless.

Effects on communities and families: Addiction to drugs can have a significant impact on families and communities in Pakistan. Families of drug addicts may be impacted by psychological distress, financial strain, and social isolation. Communities may experience an increase in crime, violence, and other social issues as a result of drug abuse.

It is essential to keep in mind that in Pakistan, mental health can be affected by the kind and severity of drug abuse, as well as individual factors like age, gender, and mental health history. If drug abuse is effectively prevented and treated, it can have a negative impact on mental health in Pakistan.

Pakistan’s Alcohol and Drug Policy and Enforcement Initiatives

To combat alcohol and drug abuse in Pakistan, a number of policies and programs have been implemented by the government. Some examples include:

Abstaining from alcohol: Muslims are prohibited from selling or using alcoholic beverages, and non-Muslims are expected to receive a grant from the government in order to purchase alcoholic beverages from licensed establishments.

Drug control policy: Pakistan’s government has implemented a national drug control policy to combat drug abuse and trafficking. The policy includes measures to improve drug treatment and rehabilitation services, raise public awareness, and strengthen law enforcement

Centers for Rehabilitation: To help drug fiends in recuperating and reintegrating once more into society, the public authority runs various medication treatment and restoration offices in the country. Non-legislative associations that run drug treatment and restoration focuses get monetary help from the public authority too.

Efforts to increase awareness: A few public mindfulness crusades have been sent off by the public authority to bring issues to light of the risks of illicit drug use and promote drug treatment and counteraction. For example, the Service of Opiates Control has sent off a cross-country crusade named “Express No to Medications” to instruct youngsters about the adverse consequences of medications and propel them to swear off utilizing them.

Collaboration among nations: The Pakistani government has worked closely with international organizations like the UN Office on Drugs and Crime to fight drug trafficking and abuse. The government has participated in regional and international conferences and meetings to exchange best practices and learn from other nations’ drug control experiences.

Police Force: To battle drug dealing and maltreatment in the country, the public authority has expanded policing. Pakistan’s enemy of medication force, the Counter Opiates Power (ANF), has been attempting to upset drug dealing organizations and hold onto unlawful medications.


In Pakistan, drug abuse has a devastating effect on individuals, families, communities, and the nation as a whole. Health issues, social issues, and financial costs follow. Access to treatment and support services, raising awareness, and the implementation of policies to prevent drug trafficking and distribution are all necessary components of a comprehensive and collaborative approach to addressing drug abuse. In Pakistan, putting mental health first and addressing addiction’s underlying causes can contribute to the creation of a society that is healthier and more resilient.