Personality Psychology

What Impact Does Birth Order Have On Personality?

The impact of birth order on character has for some time been a subject of interest and interest. Many people wonder if their individual traits and characteristics have been influenced by the order in which they were born in their families. Numerous theories and studies have attempted to investigate the possibility of connections despite the fact that the influence of birth order on personality is a complex and contentious subject.

We will examine the various findings and theories regarding birth order and personality in this discussion. We will investigate normal characteristics related to various birth request positions and shed light on the potential impacts that birth order might have on one’s character improvement. However, it is essential to keep in mind that birth order is only one component of a person’s personality, which is a complex trait shaped by a variety of factors.

By looking at the current examination and speculations, we expect to give an extensive outline of the possible effect of birth order on character.

Birth Orders

Several theories and studies have investigated the possibility of associations between birth order and personality traits, despite the lack of a conclusive consensus. Consider these important points:

Firstborns: Responsiveness, achievement orientation, and dependability are frequently seen in firstborn children. They are more likely to abide by rules and authority and have a strong desire for approval. Additionally, they might exhibit leadership qualities and a propensity to take charge.

Middleborns: Middle children frequently are regarded as family peacemakers and negotiators. They frequently possess adaptability, social skills, and ability to maintain relationships. Middleborns may develop a need for uniqueness as a result of their desire for independence and the sense that they are overshadowed by their older sibling.

Lastborns: The most sociable, charming, and outgoing children are typically the youngest. They may have a playful and humorous nature and frequently enjoy receiving attention. Lastborns may strive to distinguish themselves from their older siblings by being less conformist and more rebellious.

Only child: It is a unique birth order to be an only child. Being goal-oriented, responsible, and conscientious, for example, are traits that only children frequently share with firstborns. Because they interact more with adults than with siblings, they typically have strong relationships with adults and may have advanced communication skills.

It is essential to keep in mind that one of many factors that can influence personality development is birth order. Personality is also shaped by a variety of other factors, including genetics, parenting styles, family dynamics, and individual experiences.


Speculations and concentrates on the effect of birth order on character have been proposed by different clinicians and scientists. While no single hypothesis gives a total clarification, they offer alternate points of view on how birth requests might impact character improvement. Here are a few remarkable hypotheses and studies:

Alfred Adler’s Birth Order Theory: One of the earliest and most powerful speculations was proposed by Alfred Adler, an Austrian clinician. Adler accepted that birth order assumed a critical part in forming character. As per his hypothesis, firstborn kids will generally be mindful, aggressive, and adjusting, while later-conceived youngsters take a stab at consideration, might be insubordinate, and look to outperform their more seasoned kin.

Sulloway’s Born to Rebel Theory: Straight to the point Sulloway, an American clinician, proposed the “Destined to Radical” hypothesis, which recommends that birth request impacts character through kin contest for assets and parental speculation. Sulloway contended that later-conceived youngsters are bound to rebel and take on unpredictable convictions and ways of behaving as a way to separate themselves from their more established kin.

The Swiss Study of Angst and Ernst: In the 1980s, Ernst and Angst conducted a comprehensive study in Switzerland to investigate the connection between birth order and personality traits. The study found that first-born children scored higher for conscientiousness, perfectionism, and obedience, whereas later-born children scored higher for rebelliousness and willingness to try new things.

The Meta-Analysis by Paulhus and Trapnell: Paulhus and Trapnell did a meta-analysis of studies on birth order in 1998. They looked at 503 different samples and found that birth order only had a small impact on personality traits. The study came to the conclusion that other factors, such as genetics and environmental factors, played a larger role in personality than birth order.

Meta-analyses and contemporary research: The influence of birth order on personality has been the subject of a variety of recent studies, with varying results. Some studies propose specific associations between birth order and certain traits, such as agreeableness or extraversion, while others suggest that birth order effects on personality may be weaker than previously thought. The effects of birth order on personality have generally been found to be modest in meta-analyses that combine data from multiple studies.

It is essential to keep in mind that birth order research is still in its infancy and that numerous studies have produced contradictory results. Understanding the connection between birth order and personality can be difficult because of factors like cultural differences, family dynamics, and individual variation.

Interesting information about personality and birth order

High achievers are frequently more likely to be firstborns: Firstborn children are more likely to hold leadership positions and have higher educational attainment, according to Judith Rich Harris and Frank J. Sulloway.

Children born later typically have a greater propensity for taking risks: According to research conducted by Richard H. Zweigenhaft and G. William Domhoff, younger children, particularly the youngest ones, are more likely than older siblings to engage in risky and adventurous behaviors.

Career choices may be influenced by birth order: Sandra L. Merz and her colleagues conducted a study and found that birth order can affect career choices. While later-born children were more inclined toward artistic and investigative fields, firstborn children were more likely to choose conventional occupations like law.

Personality traits may be influenced by birth order: According to the findings of a study conducted by Boris Egloff and Julia M. Rohrer, birth order has a small but significant impact on personality dimensions. For instance, conscientiousness tends to be higher in firstborns, while openness to experience is higher in later-borns.

Interactions between gender and birth order: Gender may have a different impact on personality than birth order, according to some studies. Researchers like Catherine Salmon and Katrin Schumann have looked into how male and female birth order has different effects on personality traits.

Traits that are common to people of different birth orders
FirstbornsMiddlebornsLastbornsOnly Children
Conscientious and Responsible Negotiators and PeacemakersSocial and outgoingHave a desire for uniqueness
High achieversHumorous and PlayfulHumurous and PlayfulGood bond with adults
Scalability and AdaptabilityHave desire for uniquenessIndependent and RebelliousIndependent and Mature
Follow Rules
  1. Judith Rich Harris:
    • Harris, J. R. (1998). The nurture assumption: Why children turn out the way they do. Free Press.
  2. Frank J. Sulloway:
    • Sulloway, F. J. (1996). Born to rebel: Birth order, family dynamics, and creative lives. Vintage.
  3. Richard H. Zweigenhaft and G. William Domhoff:
    • Zweigenhaft, R. L., & Domhoff, G. W. (2006). Birth order and social status: Some explanations for the conventional wisdom. Political Psychology, 27(3), 297-316.
  4. Sandra L. Merz et al.:
    • Merz, S., Lüdtke, O., Staudinger, U. M., & Lüdtke, O. (2009). Predicting career success across the life span: A life-span perspective on successful aging. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 6(4), 436-452.
  5. Julia M. Rohrer and Boris Egloff:
    • Rohrer, J. M., Egloff, B., & Schmukle, S. C. (2015). Examining the effects of birth order on personality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(46), 14224-14229.
  6. Catherine Salmon and Katrin Schumann:
    • Salmon, C. A., & Schumann, K. (2007). The benefits of being an only child: An exploration of perceptions and relationships in parent-child dyads. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 24(2), 297-317.

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Journey into the Depths: Unleashing the Power of Your Subconscious

In my previous blog, I talked about what is the conscious mind and how it affects our decision-making abilities. Neuroscience has recognized that the subconscious controls 95% of our lives. The first six years of one’s life is when the subconscious mind is already programmed and it has more power than our conscious mind. It works how you feed it, the way you feed it you’ll get the results. It is basically your program master it is his job to give you what you want.

Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.” ~ Earl Nightingale

Wild Monkey

In this blog, I am going to discuss methods of unfolding your subconscious so you can get what you want. It’s Untamed, unbroken, and stormy goes here and there and didn’t get tired like a wild monkey that spends its day moving here and there without getting exhausted. Our subconscious is just like him but the point here is it needs a purpose to get engaged in the real things which will help us in a long run. So find a purpose for your subconscious mind.

Eliminate Negative self-talk

First of all, don’t say negative things to yourself. You might not know but if you continuously talked negatively about yourself there will be a time come when you will unable to find happiness about anything because you grew thorns inside you instead of roses, and sharp spikes always hurt. Don’t say that “I can’t do that work” “I am horrible at this thing” or ” My work is boring”. These are a few examples that we use in our daily lives that escalate negativity in ourselves.

Identify your Barriers

As in the previous blog, I already told you that when you are going to do something that is out of your comfort zone your subconscious forbids you to do that particular thing. So what you have to do is find that particular barrier that comes in your way of growth for example you want a healthy and fit body but you kept procrastinating about exercise, you have to find out what thing makes you do procrastination and once you find that barrier you will able to work on it.

Use Positive Reinforcement

It’s time to start CONGRATULATING yourself for your things may be the little ones. You don’t need others to appreciate you for what you have done. You have a really bad yesterday totally horrible but the next morning you woke up and went to your university or work you did a good job, you need to appreciate yourself. The thing is we all wanted “Big hits” in our life that’s why we kept ignoring the little happiness that actually motivates and encourages you and help you to go through the hurdles.

Use “Having” Than “Wanting”

Start a gratitude journal take a pen and notebook and make two columns one named “Having” and the other “Wanting” you need to start writing about what you want it may be 10 to 20 things that you want in your life. Now it’s time for what you have and trusts me there were hundreds of things that you have in your life and you should be grateful for that but you kept focusing on what you don’t have and ignoring all the blessings, success, and other important things in your life.

Miracle Working Power of Your Subconscious

Your subconscious mind never sleeps, never rests. You can discover the miracle-working power of your subconscious by plainly stating to your subconscious prior to sleep that you want a specific thing accomplished. You will be amazed and delighted to discover that forces within you will be released that lead you to the result you wished for.
Your subconscious mind can give you the independence of time and space. It can make you free of all pain and suffering.

There is a power and intelligence within you that far transcends your intellect. The reason there is so much chaos and misery in the world is that so many people do not understand the interactions between the two minds. When these two principles are in accord, in concord, in peace, and synchronously together, you will have health, happiness, peace, and joy. There is no sickness or discord when the two work together harmoniously and peacefully.

How to Get Your Subconscious Work for You

Just keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the best, and make sure the thoughts you habitually think are based on things that are lovely, true, just, and harmonious. The life principle flows through you according to the nature of your thoughts. Claim that the healing presence in your subconscious is flowing through you as harmony, health, peace joy, and abundance. Think of it as a living intelligence, a lovely companion on the way.


conscious mind and how it affects our decision-making abilities. Neuroscience has recognized that the subconscious controls 95% of our lives. subconscious mind never sleeps, never rests. Healing is presence in your subconscious is flowing through you as harmony, health, peace joy, and abundance.


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Subconscious Affect Decision-Making Ability

We either gave too much importance to our conscious mind (which we are aware of it) or unconscious mind (processes in the mind which are not available through self-analysis) but we gave very little importance to our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is like a treasure box in which all the things that are not stored consciously go there. It has your feelings, emotions, your thoughts, your decisions about your life, your memories good, bad, or even worse all these things make the subconscious mind.

According to a survey conducted in 2013, humans use only 10% of their brains but there is one thing that we know it could control each and everything of our life.

Control from the Subconscious to Conscious

When you meditate and you start controlling your breath, you get control from the subconscious mind and give it to your conscious mind. You start breading deep and with your stomach. Then you stop controlling it and your subconscious takes over doing it. You do not have to think about it anymore. Your breathing will continue to be relaxed until another stimulus changes it (stress for example). Everything is controlled in the back of your head.

Conscious decisionsSubconscious decisions
More intentional and thought-outAutomatic and reflexive
Easier to changeMore difficult to change
Influenced by logic and reasonInfluenced by emotions and past experiences
Involve greater self-awarenessOccur without full awareness
Influenced by external factorsInfluenced by internal factors
Invest Wisely

The subconscious mind doesn’t think independently, it is interlinked with your conscious mind. It’s more like that our conscious mind tells us what to do and the subconscious mind follows his orders. How you train your subconscious, depends upon you. If you want a plant that has fruit and flowers you give water to the plant when required, fertilize it, and give seedlings enough light. That’s how you trained your mind down the right path by giving positive things that help you to grow in your life, motivate you, and encourage you to become the best of yourself. But if you water your subconscious seeds with negative self-talk and other negative things you grow wildflowers in your garden and you got hurt because you reap what you have sown.

University of Texas researchers found that we use an average of 16,000 words a day. Subconscious decision-making is a huge and important factor while you were driving a car. OSHA reports that “drivers make more than 200 decisions during every mile traveled,” so simply driving 20 miles a day adds considerably to the number of decisions made each day.

Wild Guess

When you are about to take a big decision but you don’t know what to choose and what to leave behind so you decide to flip a coin. When a coin is in the air your mind already decides that what to do whether you go for that thing or not that’s how the subconscious works. It takes a decision based on what the conscious mind wants.

One’s Danger Zone

Subconscious stores your habits and your thoughts. If you want to do something that is beyond your comfort zone for example you want to give a presentation in front of people but you are a shy person. Or you want to sing a song at the party. These are not your comfort zones. Subconsciousness dragged you toward your comfort zone. It terrifies you with the things if you do that this will happen.

Decision-Making Skills

According to a researcher, when you go to buy a car first time. You cannot take subconscious decisions. But, after buying many cars, you can take subconscious decisions. The reason behind this fact is simple. It shows how your brain combines your past experiences and current thoughts in the back of your mind. So, after doing a task, you can make the correct decision like a pro. This is how subconsciousness drives your decision-making skills.


If you are taking big decisions in your life take hold and become completely aware of it and let big decisions absorb in your subconscious and it will eventually be helpful for your growth.

  • Hill, N. (2007). Think and grow rich. Jeremy P Tarcher.

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Procrastination (Should I Read this Now or Maybe Later)

Procrastination starts in my title when you know that blog is out you think that should read this right now or maybe tomorrow, when tomorrow comes it will become the day after tomorrow, and so on…

It is avoidance of a task that needs to be done no matter how much you avoid it but in the end, you will to complete that task. You are engaging yourself in things which you like and ignore those that are not important that cause delaying of your urgent work. For example, you have a presentation to make and you are busy doing some lame chores of yours.

Joseph Ferrari

According to Joseph Ferrari, a professor of psychology at DePaul University in Chicago and author of “Still Procrastinating: The No Regret Guide to Getting It Done,” around 20% of U.S. adults are chronic procrastinators.

“To tell the chronic procrastinator to just do it would be like saying to a clinically depressed person, cheer up.”

Types Of Procrastination

  • Passive Procrastinators: Delay the task because they have trouble making decisions and acting on them
  • Active Procrastinators: Delay the task purposefully because working under pressure allows them to “feel challenged and motivated”

Causes of Procrastination

  • Rewards that are far from the future.
  • Indecisiveness. One procrastinates because he/she is unable to make decisions in time. The more options you have the harder the decision to make.
  • Feeling of being overwhelmed. One may feel overwhelmed because of all the work he had.
  • You may procrastinate because you feel anxious about the particular task that need to be done.
  • If you are perfectionist you unable unable to start their work until they’ll 100% sure about what they actually want otherwise you’ll procrastinate.
  • You procrastinate because you are afraid of failure in the task, fear of failure and perfectionism has a strong link between them.
  • You will procrastinate when you find tasks uninterested.
  • You will procrastinate when you get distracted very easily during their tasks.
  • If you don’t have strict deadlines they are likely to procrastinate.
1. Procrastination is when you choose to do other task instead of task you should be really doing.1. Lazziness is when you are unwilling to do work.
2. In Procrastination you choose to ignore the important task.2. In Lazziness you show apathy and inactivity to do work.
3. Procrastination is you are delaying that task.3. Lazziness is straight that you don’t want to do any task.

Ways To Prevent Procrastination

Get Organize

You need to arrange the things, and it’s affairs according to specific schedules. You need to manage the time according to the timetable so you’ll less likely to procrastinate.

Nature Of Procrastination

You need to know the nature of procrastinating, why you are actually doing that, and figure out the nature what is the exact problem. You can identify this by realizing when you procrastinate, what is the time, what is the situation, when you did that, and most importantly why you did that.

Get Rid Of Distraction

Nowadays we are living in an era of social media so people got distracted very easily just by getting a notification you want to check their mobile what they got. There are a few things to do in order to limit distraction.

  • The set time limit for apps
  • Put your cell out of your sight while you were working on a project.
  • Focus on the small parts don’t focus on the larger part people get distracted by this.
  • Control your inner distractions as well these are something that remains with people the whole time, so have a proper timetable, should have a proper place, a table, etc.

Time To Yourself

When you have a lot of workloads and chores to do, so you can’t complete the work without break. Neither do the work continuously because that caused mental fatigue as well and you will definitely procrastinate? So spend some time alone with yourself that’s good for your mental health as well.

Use Incentives

In order to keep yourselves motivate you need to use reinforcements for yourselves for example if I complete an assignment on time then I’ll watch my favorite show on Netflix or I’ll eat ice cream of my favorite flavor.

Hard Stuff Done First

The most difficult thing needs to be done first because when you start your work you have energy and you are usually willing to solve the difficult tasks at first so the worrisome stuff will be off from the table and the easy stuff left on a plate.


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