We either gave too much importance to our conscious mind (which we are aware of it) or unconscious mind (processes in the mind which are not available through self-analysis) but we gave very little importance to our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is like a treasure box in which all the things that are not stored consciously go there. It has your feelings, emotions, your thoughts, your decisions about your life, your memories good, bad, or even worse all these things make the subconscious mind.

According to a survey conducted in 2013, humans use only 10% of their brains but there is one thing that we know it could control each and everything of our life.

Control from the Subconscious to Conscious

When you meditate and you start controlling your breath, you get control from the subconscious mind and give it to your conscious mind. You start breading deep and with your stomach. Then you stop controlling it and your subconscious takes over doing it. You do not have to think about it anymore. Your breathing will continue to be relaxed until another stimulus changes it (stress for example). Everything is controlled in the back of your head.

Conscious decisionsSubconscious decisions
More intentional and thought-outAutomatic and reflexive
Easier to changeMore difficult to change
Influenced by logic and reasonInfluenced by emotions and past experiences
Involve greater self-awarenessOccur without full awareness
Influenced by external factorsInfluenced by internal factors
Invest Wisely

The subconscious mind doesn’t think independently, it is interlinked with your conscious mind. It’s more like that our conscious mind tells us what to do and the subconscious mind follows his orders. How you train your subconscious, depends upon you. If you want a plant that has fruit and flowers you give water to the plant when required, fertilize it, and give seedlings enough light. That’s how you trained your mind down the right path by giving positive things that help you to grow in your life, motivate you, and encourage you to become the best of yourself. But if you water your subconscious seeds with negative self-talk and other negative things you grow wildflowers in your garden and you got hurt because you reap what you have sown.

University of Texas researchers found that we use an average of 16,000 words a day. Subconscious decision-making is a huge and important factor while you were driving a car. OSHA reports that “drivers make more than 200 decisions during every mile traveled,” so simply driving 20 miles a day adds considerably to the number of decisions made each day.

Wild Guess

When you are about to take a big decision but you don’t know what to choose and what to leave behind so you decide to flip a coin. When a coin is in the air your mind already decides that what to do whether you go for that thing or not that’s how the subconscious works. It takes a decision based on what the conscious mind wants.

One’s Danger Zone

Subconscious stores your habits and your thoughts. If you want to do something that is beyond your comfort zone for example you want to give a presentation in front of people but you are a shy person. Or you want to sing a song at the party. These are not your comfort zones. Subconsciousness dragged you toward your comfort zone. It terrifies you with the things if you do that this will happen.

Decision-Making Skills

According to a researcher, when you go to buy a car first time. You cannot take subconscious decisions. But, after buying many cars, you can take subconscious decisions. The reason behind this fact is simple. It shows how your brain combines your past experiences and current thoughts in the back of your mind. So, after doing a task, you can make the correct decision like a pro. This is how subconsciousness drives your decision-making skills.


If you are taking big decisions in your life take hold and become completely aware of it and let big decisions absorb in your subconscious and it will eventually be helpful for your growth.

  • Hill, N. (2007). Think and grow rich. Jeremy P Tarcher.
  • https://www.freelancershouse.com/2021/10/09/how-can-subconsciousness-affect-decision-making-ability/
  • https://buddingpsychologists.org/how-can-subconscious-affect-your-decision-making-ability/